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There is a place for you in what God is doing in this house.


We believe in the virgin birth. Jesus was both human and divine. He was God Manifested in the Flesh.


We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God written by holy men of old as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, to be used as a weapon to defeat Satan, withstand evil, and bring change to our psychological, physical, & spiritual lives.


We believe in the canonical scriptures and use the King James Version in adjunct other Bible versions in all worship services.


We believe in the changing power of prayer and that it is communicating with God. Its purpose is to get your spirit closer to God. It changes your attitude, affects the enemy, and others, and changes heaven.


We believe that faith is the absolute stone foundation for salvation, and except a man is born of Water and of the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Salvation is available to all. Man must first REPENT, a turning from A spirit of abhorrence sin that ignites change and turn in ones heart, mind, & spirit of honor towards God and His will. 


We believe that repentance is not the only & final step for sinners but the sinner must be immersed in WATER, BAPTIZED in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and receive the gift of the HOLY GHOST with the initial evidence of speaking in a language that is not learned as the Spirit gives utterance according to Acts 2:38-39. Displaying the Fruits of the Spirit Revealed in Galatians 5:22-23


We believe in a holy, sanctified life. We believe in divine healing, communion, and foot washing. We believe also in the glorious catching away “The Rapture” of the saints when Jesus returns in the clouds in glory to take his people to Heaven.


We believe that the Holy Ghost is the Regenerative Power of God to all who believe, repent and are baptized. The Holy Ghost is necessary for salvation, will lead us into all truth, and acts as a discerner and intercessor.


We believe in the five-fold ministry of apostles, prophet, evangelist, pastors, teachers, and the three-fold purpose of the ministry' 1) Perfecting the saints. 2) Work of the ministry. 3) Edifying of the body Christ.


We believe in the divine order of the family:  1) Christ. 2) Husband. 3) Wife, 4) Children 


We believe in the financial support of the ministry- by the giving of tithes, offerings, and seed sowing which supplies the needs of the   SERVANTHOOD of God and the MINSTRELS, WIDOWS, ORPHANS, THE STRANGER in our midst and those that HAVE NEED, last but never least The Sanctuary.

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